Monday, January 23, 2012

got strength?

I don't know if this is common, but I have a confession to make.
I have done no strength work in the few of years. None.  It is not so much that I hate the gym, I hate what happens AFTER the gym.  My previous experience really put me off after struggling through months of insane soreness and inability to ride on dead legs. I have struggled to find balance where I could get in the gym and still ride my bike.

For every year that passes I know it is getting more important to get back in the gym.  Now falling into the masters realm of riding, strength conditioning is becoming mandatory.  I know this. Reading articles like this one (read it here) convinced me it is time to suck it up, and crack on.

The question became not if, but with who and where. If I am going to do this, I am going to do it properly.
I have a guy, Andrew, I have been using for massage for a couple of years.  He is also a guru in all things strength and conditioning.  He knows where I break, and after months of telling me what gym thing would fix or help that or this - I decided that I am going to trust him and let's see.  Highly specific strength training not just to my sport, but actually to me.  I think that is a good mix.  He's set up a space here, and I am looking forward to hurting myself for the next little while.

With walls like this one, how could it be bad!!!
Pass the protein.


Anonymous said...

Sweat your fat cells crying....bwahhahah love, um, guess YOU don't know about sweat ;-) Get pumpin the iron, tis good for you, I hear it creates slabs of steel ;-X

rach edwards said...

I know more about SWEAT than you might think. How do you think I learned to suffer? Wasn't born like this my friend..... xxx